Why do so many Americans like the idea of tying health insurance to employment? - first american renters insurance
I find it appalling that there are still some who think it is a good economic policy conducive to a capitalist country that prides itself on its entrepreneurial spirit. First introduced in the 1940s when the federal government controls on wages and employers imposed Seeking a better class of workers, including health insurance subsidies as an incentive. Now fast forward six decades later and we still have this system, which follow a person's ability to work are working for themselves boundaries, two part-time jobs you the path that can really qualify, and employer costs. Why are so many, especially the conservatives who want to keep this system? Rich capitalist Australia, Switzerland and Japan has found problems in this long, why do not we? Employers are responsible for financing their auto insurance, renters, insurance for pets, mortgage insurance, etc., why do we cling to this system of society with limited liability?
I think the majority are in favor of someone accustomed to paying for health insurance. It is difficult to change an entrenched system.
I think that's bad for our economy. It would be much more reasonable, a program funded by the state health insurance for catastrophic health risks and have people pay directly for routine medical expenses.
The Americans have run out of change in general anxiety, and in contrast to government programs. Distrust of government employees. They also fear that rising taxes. So I think the attention of the debtor government managed health care, like other rich developed countries that health care is expensive, it would raise the long queues and waiting times for service and taxes would. People have been completed, the insurance, by tackling it's ok to not upset the status quo of something that could not be much better for them.
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